Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014

Duamo island has its own uniqueness

Pulau Duamo Memiliki Keunikan Tersendiri

By. Jackson Ikomouw*)

Duamo Island. There is a lake amid TIGI, Deiyai ​​District, Papua Province. There are many fish fishing community. There is also a picnic in December. There was even a cave, and the cave bird nest in the wallet. The potential in this island very attractive to visitors. The visitors usually use boats to reach even seedbok to the island. The island is not Jahu mother Deiyai ​​District Municipality, Waghete. 

Of the many unique stored on the island, one of the most unique on this island is the rhyme of the Lord Jesus and Mary. "Trick to see: Just taru coin one hundred dollars in front of the statue, will itself will appear as statues of Jesus and Mary. 

Statue of Jesus and Mary on the island it is not made ​​by man but has existed since time immemorial, and it is natural. As well, the front of this island, there is a similar stone human face. 

Then, when the season Gurami, the Society held a place of game fishing. They often use baits that are lumit life. Not only that, there is also a picnic even in December, they took B2, noodles, and other daily necessities, and this time I was eleven years old we ever get there. 

It's the story: 
Story Experience Into Duamo Island, "Yeii..Yeii Anukai Adii Maga yee, Ani Uwoo Teuwinoo / Teninenoo! 

At that time, Mando Mote, Fredi Pekei, Ales Mote, Jekson Tekege, Jekson Ikomou Jairus Mote, Orgenes Pekei, Hosea Gobai and Melianus Pekei. We had headed Duamo, in December. We aim for a picnic. Initially we prepare, Rice, Noodles, B2. Etc.. But we headed off the end of a long field Waghete about seven o'clock in the morning. Using a mama-owned parahu Jekson Tekege 

When the circumstances of Lake Tigi, no shady water waves. I shared Orgenes dimintah to row a boat, then I am willing. Arriving mid, because I asked you for Jekson tired Tekege to replace me eventually jekson Tekege willing. Then about eight o'clock we reached the island safely Duamo state. 

We started the movement cook, we eat together after cooking. Shortly we eat, Orgenes Pekei, say, Kowakeii kou biyopa kouya Eniya tougaikai, he said it was to frighten frighten us, because he has experience mennjangkau to Duamo island. 

Orgenes said, "Ikiyaekina kouko Biyopa kouya yamakiyake taiI, eniya nidoteka! When he said that, my heart began to thud-thud-bath tub. But with my fear B2 menaru piece in the corner stone beside me. Orgenes said again, "Keito keike eniyakoo mobu tekai pigaika, Yamaki inoma okeiko ebee ibokaa! the mando beads and other kawan2 also manaru B2 in the corner stone. 

After we ate, Orgenes said, "now we all showered, I want a shower so tra! Then as soon as we opened pakean for bathing, swimming our competing. When our current preoccupation bath, B2 which had us fighting the corner of the stone, he went to take the meal in front of us. It was my emotions ... ..saya skalii said, "Ehh Akii dimibeu Kete, ko kou eniya yamakegai noooo! "Nooo kowakeii Kigadoo heart," he says. 

Mando began to say, "Be..be..be Kowakeii, Mee gadoo ko, ko koudani beu noo !! ..teman-friend lainpun very emotional with Orgenes attitude at that time. 

After that we invite Orgenes streets in the cave, we started early entry, Orgenes said, "Kowakeii Tuba / meenoo Meee gopai kaa noo noo Yamouwiipage ... Owapa Uwii. 

Jairus Mote said, "Beuu..beuu makooo kowakeii, puyapuga noo, noo kou Auwaa domii yenoo koo / MeeBadoo komo kou !! I started very scared, because it was dark in the cave. 

Then we went back to where we cook before, but we prepare all of our stuff down before, when the waves hit the rocks Area Duamo island, and we were swung parahu .. 

Fredi Pekei said, "Kowakeii Ukiya Iboo koo, inikee uwoo uwinakaa! 
Mando: "Bee akiwedagatee, wedaki peukiii heheheheheheeh! 
Fredi: "Beukipakoo, ikiyaa coma koo neukita !! 
Melianus: "akiwedagate, aniyaa keikipigaa 
Jekson Ikomou: "enakaa neukii! 
Jairus, Ales, Orgenes, and Jekson Tekege, we laugh ... 

Later, Alex and Orgenes started rowing boat, but the boat we were riding started mengombang around by the waves. 

My heart started bukbak, "Sunggu, I was so scared, tra say anything at that time. Our Parahu almost tergelam, Mando, Melianus, Jekson Tekege, Fredi, hosea, and I started to cry 
Jekson tekge: Yeii..Yeii Anukai Adii Maga yee, "Ani Uwoo Teuwinoo / Teninenoo !!!!!!!! 
Hosea Gobai: "Yii ... yi ... .Anukaii waeee magiyokaa Duamo megaiii, Aniya kouko paniyai peku noo ko beu !!!! 
Mando: KOwakeii, waiko Okomo yatougaa woniyaiikeii teneukiyaa ... Koukoo iniikee uwoo uwipage nooo !! 
Melianus Pekei, said, "Kowakii gitaa teneukeii ko, wo yatoo okomo tawani noo? 

At that time, Fredi Pekei, subject to Pray, to ask for help to God. If I, just waita course, Yuu Yuuuu..Yuuu ..! In fact, in my heart very frightened by the magnitude of the waves. 

Jairus, Orgenes, and Ales, just laugh, "peu wedako hehehhehehe yokaidoo keee, tikimeitoo enaaaheheheheheh !!! 

Furthermore, Alex and Orgenes not medayung parahu, then we were stranded at the mouth of the times Okomokebo. After arriving at times Okomo, we calmed down and there is no fear anymore. Fredi Pekei, claiming under, I was praying so we survived. 

Jairus said, "Makii second Klasis hehehehehheheheheheh, Akiya tebayam tegee kouya heheheheini crate tegee !!! we all participate ketawan with Jairus words. 

Sunggu Waves on Lake Tigi, severe very severe skali..sunggu skali ... now I can pour with ketawan, then I lost my mind. 

From this story, unfortunately there is a dead world, some of which are still living / breathing. 

You are already dead, as long as the road on the side of God Almighty

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